Geotechnical Engineering
Will the ground you choose support the structures you envision? This is the first question that must be resolved when undertaking any building project.
A professional assessment of the physical properties of a site’s soil is the bedrock of high-quality construction, determining the right foundation design and earth retention features to adapt a unique location to your unique vision. Soil testing and site analyses are investments that pay for themselves in problems and costs avoided during the building stages and beyond.
- Soil Testing
- Percolation & Pit Testing
- Soil Profile Evaluation
- On-Site Waste Treatment Systems
- Leach Field Design
- Shoring Pier Design
- Geologic Hazard Studies
- Slope Stability Analysis
Structural Engineering
Colorado Geoscience and Design provides structural engineering services for residential and commercial developments. Our structural department is experienced with projects ranging from single family custom homes to multistory residential apartment complexes, office buildings, churches, and retail facilities. Our experienced staff of engineers is familiar with the permitting processes throughout the state. We have the resources and competency to make your idea a reality.
CGD’s team of structural engineers provides extensive experience in the design of building structures made of light gage steel, steel, concrete, masonry or wood. Our dedication to value engineering means we do not over-design, we optimize construction plans to pair reliability and cost-efficiency. Our strict “quality control” policy assures that our clients receive a high quality final product.
- Shallow & Deep Foundation Design
- Retaining Wall Structures (Concrete, Steel, or Masonry)
- Foundation Design for all types of Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings (Aircraft Hangars, Garage Shops, Storage Facilities, etc.)
- Structural Frame Analysis & Design

Architectural & Design
Allow CGD to design the perfect space for you. We offer complete architectural conceptual design, development, and CAD plan drafting capabilities. Our design team combines technical expertise with the art of listening to turn your vision into reality.
- Custom Residential Design
- Home Remodels
- Additions

Civil Engineering
CGD has experience with all aspects of land development and an extensive background serving the building industry. Our civil engineering department specializes in single/duplex/subdivision developments as well as storage and commercial facilities.
Our team has expert knowledge of regulations and experience in residential and commercial projects in Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, Adams, Arapahoe, El Paso, Gilpin, Grand, Weld, and Boulder Counties, as well as state and federal agencies.
Let us help you avoid costly mistakes and move your project forward.
- Civil Construction Documents
- Groundwater Dewatering Permits
- Drainage Studies/Detention
- Notice of Intent/Grading Permits
- Grading/Drainage, Erosion, & Sediment Control Permits (GESC/DESC)
- No-rise Flood Analysis Reports
- Infiltration, Detention/Retention Pond Design
- Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Potable Water System Design & Analysis
- Sewer Use & Drainage Permits (SUDPs)
Additional Services
Observations / Inspections / Quality Control
– Excavation and Shoring Observations/Inspections
– Drilled Pier Observations/Inspections
– Foundation Wall/Footing Reinforcing Steel Observations/Inspections
– Drain and Dampproofing observations/Inspections
– Septic Observations/Inspections
– Structural Framing Inspections (Member Sizes, Connections, and Anchor Bolts)
– Lathe, Stucco, Framing
– Third Party Inspections (Dry wall, Insulation, and others)
Pavement Design
Slope Stability